
EC Country Band

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Our EC Country band is the best in the area, and the lead female vocalist is a musician times three, having taught herself the guitar, piano, and saxophone. She is a versatile vocalist who can sing Patsy Cline, Lady Ga Ga and Miranda Lambert and sound equally convincing. She is also an award-winning composer, lyricist, sound engineer and music producer, not to mention a business owner and band manager; Yet she puts all of her abilities to use when she entertains a crowd, and her energy and enthusiasm seems endless.

As a writer of hundreds of songs, some of her notable works include various film and television projects such as the song “Nothing Like a Country Girl” which was featured in the movie “Elvis Has Left the Building” starring Tom Hanks, Kim Basinger and John Corbett. HBO picked up one of Mary’s songs “Take Me Back Oklahoma” which aired in the movie “The Gristle”. The song also earned he a Billboard Honorable Mention award and has aired on radio stations in Texas, Oklahoma and California.

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She was awarded Best Original Score and Sound Design for her work on the documentary “7 Years Underground”. She has worked with several production companies such as Film Roman, Funrise, Disney and the E Network. She also produced music for Mark Salling from Glee, and works with other local artists. She charted several #1 and #2 singles on the European country music charts, such as U. K. country artist Tommy Young’s “Everybody Loves A Cowboy”, written by songwriters Coker-Cline.

As a performer, her music shines brightly through her soulful southern voice. Her energy on stage is electric and contagious. She draws her audience in with her pure charm, her warmth, and her amazing talent. She also plays guitar, keyboards and saxophone. Her musical diversity appeals to all. Her original CD “Change of Pace” is a special mix of country rhythm and rock that leaves you wanting more. She has a great following and has earned a solid reputation as one of the Southland’s most popular and beloved country artists. She not only performs great shows for fans in the U.S., but was fortunate enough to be selected by the United States Armed Forces MWR to tour South Korea and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to entertain the troops and spectators alike from all reaches of the globe.

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